Mengelola Beberapa Kluster Kubernetes dalam Satu Workspace

Bahan Bacaan:

Idealnya berapapun kluster kubernetes yang berhasil dibuat, tetap akan mudah dikelola hanya dalam satu workspace. Workspace yang saya maksud adalah satu tab terminal di satu user di sistem operasi yang berjalan di laptop yang biasa saya gunakan untuk bekerja.

Sejak beberapa minggu kemaren hingga beberapa bulan kedepan, sepertinya jumlah kluster Kubernetes yang tim saya kelola akan naik secara berkala. Kenaikan jumlah kluster akibat kebutuhan bisnis, pemisahan beberapa produk, migrasi dan lain lain.

Kenaikan ini menyebabkan tim saya sebagai penjaga lilin dihadapkan bagaimana sih mengelola beberapa kluster kubernetes dengan mudah.

Keyword: Kubectl, Config, Context


Dalam praktik ini, saya memiliki dua buah kluster. k8s-siak-cluster dan k8s-kampar-cluster. Masing masih memiliki file kube config bawaan.

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Thinkpad X230 i7 Layar FHD

Awal Cerita

Akhirnya, kesampaian punya x230 spek ajaib. Setelah sebelumnya sempet dpt yg g enak.

Ya modif ganti layar FHD ini akhirnya kesampaian. Saya membeli mod kit FHD dari nitrocaster ditambah tipe layar FHD rekomendasi dari nitrocaster.

Kemaren saya sempat membeli kit 2 buah, 1 dipake, 1 lagi buat cadangan. Tapi akhirnya 1 lagi saya lepas ke kawan di grup telegram. Kit ini saya beli pertengahan Juli 2019 silam seharga USD110. Satu bulan kemudian kit saya terima via pak pos.

Untuk layar, saya membeli tipe yang dianjurkan oleh Nitrocaster. LP125WF4 SPB1 LP125WF4-SPB1 (SP)(B1) dari Lapak win0win store di Aliexpress. Layar saya beli akhir agustus 2019 seharga USD60. Dan saya terima akhir september 2019.

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Mengganti Ukuran Hardisk ECS pada Kluster Kubernetes di Alibaba Cloud


Langkah – Langkah:

Ada 4 langkah utama yang dilakukan untuk mengubah ukuran hardisk, yaitu:

  1. Keluarkan node dari kluster kubernetes
  2. Lakukan perubahan ukuran disk dari Console ECS Alibaba Cloud
  3. Lakukan perubahan partisi dari dalam sistem operasi.
  4. Kembalikan node ke kluster kubernetes
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Podman dan Buildah di openSUSE Tumbleweed

Ini cuma ulasan pendek di sela-sela kegalauan turing nyepeda.

Masih mengingat beberapa pe-er komunitas, bareng Ish Sookun untuk mengerjakan beberapa tulisan terkait Kubic, dan turunannya. Belum sempat nyolek lagi. Saya mencoba menulis catatan kecil tentang mainan di akhir tahun. Ini sebenarnya merupakan catatan lama, namun tersisih di mesin berbeda.

Balik ke tema, saya sedang coba-coba menggunakan container daemon selain docker.


What is Podman? Podman is a daemonless container engine for developing, managing, and running OCI Containers on your Linux System. Containers can either be run as root or in rootless mode. Simply put: alias docker=podman.

Containers under the control of Podman can either be run by root or by a non-privileged user. Podman manages the entire container ecosystem which includes pods, containers, container images, and container volumes using the libpod library. Podman specializes in all of the commands and functions that help you to maintain and modify OCI container images, such as pulling and tagging. It allows you to create, run, and maintain those containers created from those images in a production environment.

Kira-kira begitu pengertiannya.

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High Availability Kubernetes Cluster di Alibaba Cloud

Catatan: Tidak semua yang saya tulis ini adalah hal benar, dan dapat diimplementasikan mentah-mentah. Saya baru sampai diposisi, “Ini Jalan”, tapi belum tau bagian mana yang belum baik dan butuh ditunning.


Hae, sudah lama g nulis teknikal. Karena beberapa pekan, bulan terakhir ini masih terhipnotis pada tulisan piknik. Jadi balik ke judul. dan ke kubernetes.

Setelah sebelumnya menggunakan Kubernetes di AWS dengan jumawanya. Pake kops loh. Jumawa sejak awal saya makai kubernetes untuk production, agustus 2018.
di saat kawan-kawan di jogja pada make k8s di GCP. Macam orang bingung kalo bertanya k8s di AWS dan kops saat itu.

Kemudian di pertengahan Agustus 2019, saya berpindah tempat ngetik. Tugas pertama. beres-beres mesin dan migrasi k8s. Saya bilang diawal, sanggup.
Di hari pertama masuk ada mantra ajaib.

Kita pake Alicloud bang :D.


Saya nyengir cukup lebar. Bagaimana masang kubernetes di AliCloud? Pikiran pertama, menggunakan kops di alicloud. Setelah mencari catatan-catatan di github kops still on WIP but not know when will release.

Mencari patokan harga servise ACK, Kubernetes Service on Alicloud, sepertinya belum masuk. Sejujurnya saya belum terlalu paham cara menggunakan dashboard Alicloud. hanya ngasal klik klik. Berarti balik ke semi-semi kubernetes baremetal.

Mencari tulisan-tulisan lain, prove on concept tentang K8S HA mengantarkan saya ke beberapa tulisan:

Saya kemudian mengikuti panduan kedua dengan beberapa perubahan secukupnya.

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How to Build DevOps Culture from Zero to Hero (Salindia)

Foto: Wisnu P.

Berikut adalah materi yang saya bawakan di IDDevOps Meetup 10 Oktober lalu di kantor Home Kredit Indonesia.

Materi yang saya bawakan ini lagi ujicoba. Saya melihat trend DevOps kini, lebih fokus kepada penggunaan tools, service dan hal teknis lainnya. Namun agak terlupa untuk juga mengelola DevOps dari sisi humanity, people, team.


DevOps Culture merupakan sisi lain yang terjadi pada sisi System Engineer dari penerapan Agile/Scrum di pengembangan software. Sayangnya kultur ini terkadang lupa untuk diimplementasikan dengan baik. Tim hanya fokus penerapan Agile/Scrum pada tim developers. Padahal dengan adanya DevOps Culture, akan bisa makin mempercepat proses release produk secara masif, terstruktur dan sistematis. Di sesi ini saya akan menceritakan beberapa kasus yang pernah saya alami dalam implementasi DevOps Culture. Sehingga sedikit banyak dapat menjadi masukan untuk semua pihak.

Materi salindia dapat diakses di tautan:


openSUSE Asia Summit Ke-6

Akhirnya perhelatan ini selesai. Berlokasi di Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Udayana Bali, 4-6 Oktober 2019. Saya berkesempatan berkontribusi sebagai panitia remote. Iya remote. Acara di Pulau Bali, tetapi panitianya di Blok M.

Hari 0, Jumat

Saya mendarat ke Bali, Jumat dini hari dengan Air Asia. Sepertinya merupakan penerbangan terakhir AA dari JKT ke DPS. Keluar gate, kemudian pesan gojek ke Nirmala Hotel. Lanjut bersih-bersih dan tidur. Saya termasuk tim yang telat sampe Bali. Kukuh dan Rifki sudah dari hari Rabu beredar di Denpasar

Jumat pagi, start pukul 7 pagi, saya beredar ke kampus. Briefing volunteer sebentar. Kemudian memastikan acara kuliah umum pagi lancar, meski ada kendala sedikit. Menghitung jumlah konsumsi Sabtu dan Minggu, menu konsumsi Jumat siang dan makan malam, transfer-transfer. Hari Jumat punya beberapa agenda, pagi kuliah umum, siang community meeting dan makan malam bersama di Pantai Jimbaran.

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GNOME Asia Summit 2019 Report

Here my story attend GNOME Asia Summit at Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik, 12-13 Oct 2019. I came as part of GNOME Foundation Member and as exhibitioner from Komunitas openSUSE Indonesia. We get booth as openSUSE become sponsor for GNOME Asia Summit this year.

It is my third time join GNOME Asia Summit. First at Universitas Indonesia, 2015. My first time held international conference as committee. Second at Taiwan 2018, join with COSCUP and openSUSE Asia Summit.

Pak Edwin, Joko Susilo, Rifky and me will be at same flight from Jakarta CGK to Surabaya SUB. We arrive at Juanda Airport 10PM. And order taxi to reach city. We will stay at Hotel near BRI Tower first. And will travel to venue at the morning.

Foto by Edwin Zakaria

Day 1

Saturday morning, we order taxi and going to venue. After spent 1.5 hours. We arrive at University. But take break feast before join the conference. Arrive at 6th floor. Start registration, get t-shirt. And I meet some speakers. My old friend. Franklin, Shinji, Pak Aftian and many others.

Goody Bags, T-Shirt + Tumbler

Lets prepare for booth. We bring many goods for the booth. We have stikers, magazine, webcam caps, and Gecko, of course. Our booth always crowded. We display a laptop running openSUSE Leap to demo. Many visitors ask, why we must try openSUSE? What the benefits? etc.

The summit opening by traditional dance “Tari-Tari Gembira”, talk from University and from GNOME Foundation. I enjoy the conference. The are many unique style at the conference. Less plastic, for example we get free tumbler for get drink. Snack and lunch will serve at banana leaf. So cool!!.

For day 1. I stay at booth. Answer question from visitor as many as I can. After lunch I join a class “Pegon at GNOME” by Pak Aftian. And back to booth after that. After coffee break, I accidentally bring lightning Talk about “IRGHS”, one of BlankOn product research. Only 5 minute, but still give me goosebumps. I talk partially in Bahasa Indonesia and english. After that, the committee get the session, bring door prize to lucky participant.

After day 1 closing, I follow Kukuh to Shantika. We get invitation for dinner with speakers. But Kukuh need take rest, so skip the dinner. We take dinner near hotel after Pak Andika back to hotel and Kukuh get enought sleep.

Day 2

After take break feast at Hotel, I came to venue with Kukuh. And back to booth until lunch. I get talk with Andre. I meet him first at GNOME Asia 2015 and at GUADEC.
I join talk “The experience of the KLAS roadshow to ignite the spirit of Open Source in East Java, Indonesia” by Darian after lunch. Nice talk about how to encourage people to start engage FOSS Community. After that, I join Syamsul Maarif class, talk about “Current State of BlankOn Linux Development” as me as part of Pengembang BlankOn.

After class session, coffee break, I join to main hall. Watching LT session again. There is Khairul, from Ubuntu Malaysia. He purpose to bring GNOME.Asia Summit 2020 to Kuala Lumpur. Lets do that!

After take photo and closing. We pack up booth and prepare back to Jakarta again. Rifki will not join us. He will going to Solo. But Kukuh will join us. Take taxi and going to Juanda Airport again for last flight to CGK. We arrive at CGK midnight. Take at taxi to city. That is long days for me.


We held two big international conference and same month but in the difference weeks. openSUSE Asia Summit and GNOME Asia Summit. It is cool to see more people came, join and prepare to contribute for FOSS Community like GNOME Desktop or openSUSE. Some people came as speaker, talk for first time. Some come for their first conference in English. :D. I happy see new face, new people join community and hope it will last longer. See you again in online, telegram, facebook and mailing list.

Special thanks to openSUSE for sponsoring my travel.



openSUSE Asia Summit 2019 Report

The openSUSE community concluded its sixth openSUSE.Asia Summit this weekend at the Fakultas Teknik of the Universitas Udayana in Bali, Indonesia. I join as speaker, and remotely committee.

This summit start form 4-6 October 2019. At first day, Friday. We held community meeting at Go Work Park 23 with attend around 18 delegation from country around Asia. The meeting notes has been sent to mailing list by Douglas.

Day 1 Summit, Saturday

The Summit started off with a ceremonial dance, Tari Sekar Jagad and opening remarks from the university’s staff. After that, keynote speaker, Simon Lee and Dr. Axel Braun from the openSUSE Board provided attendees with a status update about the openSUSE Project and then Keynote from Simplify 8 Inc – Attila Pinter.

Before coffee break, we take group photo with all participant and speakers. After that we continue with parallel class. 6 speakers at 6 rooms. After lunch, I join Sunny’s Workshop “We are openSUSE Asia Community”, talk about all things at Asia, How committee prepare for summit and many things. Day 1 closing by choosing who win door prize from sponsor.

And for day 1 we have dinner with all speakers, committee and volunteer at Mak Jo Resto, Jimbaran.

Day 2 Summit, Sunday

Opening by Kukuh Syafaat. He talk about number of statistic about this year conference. And after that play video Highlight openSUSE Asia Summit 2019 – Day 1. Announce the winner logo competitions. Sunny bring mysterious box to Winner and last, handover openSUSE Asia Album from last year committee, Sakana from Taiwan Team to Kukuh, this year team. After that, Keynote from openSUSE, introduced Gerald Pfeifer as the new chairperson for openSUSE. GNOME‘s Executive Director Neil McGovern gave a keynote after that. Before coffee break, we take photo again.

Handover Album

After lunch, I start my workshop “Reliable Deployments with Kubernetes and Istio” at rooms 203B. You can find my material at Then take photo.

After 2nd coffee break, I join aula swastika, prepare winner for door prize again. At 4 pm, we start Lightning Talk Session with Gong sound. :D. First speaker is Ariez Vachha, then Herpiko, Ish Sookun and Sobha Tyagi. After LT Session, Kukuh take over podium. We play Highlight openSUSE Asia Summit 2019 – Day 2.

After that we call all volunteer to stand front of podium. Thank you very much to volunteer, for help committee prepare and doing summit. See you next year!!

Prepare Summit

Thank you to sponsors who helped to maked the summit a success. SUSE, Simplify8, Radiant Utama Interinsco TBK, MyCoop, PT Boer Technology, Excellent, Bogorwebhost, Linksys,, Coly Li.

And thanks to openSUSE who sponsor my travel.



Workshop DevOps Fundamental #1 Jogja

Poster_Devops2.pngHae Jogja.

Saya dan kawan-kawan Qatros akan mengadakan Workshop DevOps Fundamental di Jogja, 20-21 Juli.

Silahkan daftar bagi yang berminat. Slot sangat terbatas.

Workshop ini sangat cocok untuk programmer dan sysadmin yang baru ingin migrasi ke DevOps things.


Bila membutuhkan detail acara, silahkan kontak saya.